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COVID 19 Guidelines



If you have been in *“close contact” in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID 19 *(within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) You will need to follow the CDC guidelines which are posted below.


After a 7 day quarantine the following guidelines apply:

  • A negative COVID-19 test given after the 5th day of exposure

  • Symptom free *(no signs of sinus issues or even common cold issue, etc.)

  • Continue to wear a mask at church for the full 15 days after the initial exposure.

  • Continually check for symptoms at home during the 15 days for, fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new cough, loss of taste and or smell.

After a 10 day quarantine the following guidelines apply:

  • Symptom free *(no signs of sinus issues or even common cold issue, etc.)

  • Continue to wear a mask at church for the full 15 days after the initial exposure.

  • Continually check for symptoms at home during the 15 days for, fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new cough, loss of taste and or smell.

After a 14 day quarantine the following guidelines apply:

  • Symptom free *(no signs of sinus issues or even common cold issue, etc.)

  • Please continue to wear a mask inside the church.

Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship | A Church in Woodstock, GA Church

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