Worship With Us Every Sunday
Church - 10:30 a.m.
Nursery - 10:30 a.m (Newborn through 4 years old)
Kingdom Kids after worship (Ages 5- 5th grade)
Crossfire Youth after worship (6th grade through 12th)​​
COVID 19 Guidelines
If you have been in *“close contact” in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID 19 *(within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) You will need to follow the CDC guidelines which are posted below.
After a 7 day quarantine the following guidelines apply:
A negative COVID-19 test given after the 5th day of exposure
Symptom free *(no signs of sinus issues or even common cold issue, etc.)
Continue to wear a mask at church for the full 15 days after the initial exposure.
Continually check for symptoms at home during the 15 days for, fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new cough, loss of taste and or smell.
After a 10 day quarantine the following guidelines apply:
Symptom free *(no signs of sinus issues or even common cold issue, etc.)
Continue to wear a mask at church for the full 15 days after the initial exposure.
Continually check for symptoms at home during the 15 days for, fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new cough, loss of taste and or smell.
After a 14 day quarantine the following guidelines apply:
Symptom free *(no signs of sinus issues or even common cold issue, etc.)
Please continue to wear a mask inside the church.