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Valerie Sturdivant

Upcoming Church Events


September 8th, after morning service. 

All Food must be brought to the kitchen before morning service, READY to eat.  Please have all food cooked, cut, and prepared.  We will reheat only if needed,  if you like you may bring your food in a crockpot, or some plug in service container that keeps your food warm. 

Please sign up for what you will be bringing,  the list is in the foyer.    

This Years Annual Pumpkin Palooza is October 6th, right after church. 

We will have food downstairs right after Sunday Service.  This event is chalked full of fun.  Bring a dish to share and don't forget to bring a decorated pumpkin for the contest.  Please make sure it is church appropriate.  There will be the Adult, Teen, and Children's section for each part of this contest.  You can decorate live or fake pumpkins, the choice is yours.  If you want to donate your pumpkin to the church we will auction them off to bring in money for the church building fund.  It is Great Fun, and lots of Laughter at this event you will not want to miss it so mark your Calenedars!

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