Worship With Us Every Sunday
Church - 10:30 a.m.
Nursery - 10:30 a.m (Newborn through 4 years old)
Kingdom Kids after worship (Ages 5- 5th grade)
Crossfire Youth after worship (6th grade through 12th)​​
Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship is a Christ-centered, non-denominational church located just outside of Atlanta in Woodstock, Georgia. Our emphasis is on the Word of God, worship, and prayer. Our services are fresh, spontaneous, and alive with the presence of God. We love God and people, and we want to change the world. The Lord has placed in our hearts a hunger and desire for Him. He has enabled us to love people and minister to them as we have drawn near to Him.
God has called Prayer and Praise to reach out to the community of Woodstock and beyond. We walk by faith to fulfill the vision He has given us. We work with area pastors and churches and with local parachurch ministries to impact our community for God. We support mission outreaches in Haiti, Ukraine, Africa and China. We also support needy children around the world by annually packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
May the Lord bless you as you love and serve Him.
Pastors Larry and Diana Baker
Tim Pratt
Crossfire Youth Director
Alyssa Michaels
Assistant Youth Director
Meet Our Pastors
Sheila Baker
Bible Training Director
Larry & Diana Baker
Pastoring Prayer and Praise has been a tremendous honor and blessing to us for the last 39 years. We would love to meet you at one of our upcoming services
This Weeks Sermon
Dear Prayer and Praise Family and Friends,
As many of you know, Pastor Dave Hackett from Hope Church in New York and I made many trips to Rivne, Ukraine between 1998 and 2018 to teach Bible classes at the Rivne Seminary. Students in those classes were not only from Ukraine but also from nearby countries. On those trips we also ministered in many different churches and visited orphanages and schools where we were allowed to share the Gospel.
We are currently receiving offerings to send to the Refuge Center to purchase food, water, medicine, and other supplies for the refugees there. I am asking each one of you to search your hearts and seek the Lord for what He would have you do to be part of this critically needed outreach to suffering people in Ukraine
We will continue to receive and send offerings as long as needed. At the top of the this page you will find the Giving menu. Click on it, and it will take you to the donation page. On that page, click, the fund bar. It will give you the option to donate to Ukraine. If you have questions, please contact the church office between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Thank you for being a blessing to those who are suffering.
Pastor Larry Baker
Pastor Larry Baker
Every Family Needs A Connection
We believe that a church becomes a family when people are connected to something they support and can put their whole heart towards.
Volunteering and using your gifts and talents the Lord gives us not only Honors the Lord, but it connects you to each other and your a part of something bigger.
This reminds me of putting together a puzzle. Each piece has its purpose and place and if there is a piece missing, the puzzle is never quite completed.
Please check out the new volunteer opportunity board get a brochure and find a way you can get connected.
Shannon Weaver
"there is one body, but it has many parts.
But all its many parts make up one body..."
1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV
What is the Café Club all about?
Casual atmosphere among friends
Affirming God’s truths
Fellowshipping over coffee
Energizing each other with God’s Word
Communicating our needs
Loving one another
Uniting us as prayer warriors
Bible studies & sharing God stories
Prayer and Praise Christian Fellowship
6409 Bells Ferry Road, Woodstock, Georgia 30189, United States
Phone: (770) 928-2795